my oc world

Name: Starbelle
Age: 19
Gender: transfem nonbinary
Pronouns: she/he/they/star
Species: fox kemono
Race: Japanese


Starbelle is highly curious with a big love of learning, and loves to read and hear others talk about new things. They're a bit shy and can become flustered easily when meeting new people, but they're very friendly and enjoy the company of others. They're easily disappointed and a bit of a quitter, preferring to stick to what's comfortable as opposed to try new things or take risks. They're very encouraging and can get very passionate about helping others be their best selves, even though they don't always take their own advice. They're very intelligent and absorb information quickly.


Due to being autistic, Starbelle was often seen as a burden by their parents growing up, and often went through emotional neglect. They spent much of their time alone at home, doing homework and reading without company. This got even worse when their little sister was born - they loved her dearly, but she was immediately seen as the "better" child and given the attention and care Starbelle never got.

Frustrated and alone, Starbelle was very lonely during their teenage years. Their parents reacted with even more displeasure when they came out as transfem, so they sought to start transitioning alone and without support, even through bullying.

College was almost like an escape for Starbelle -they just wanted to be away from home and somewhere they could finally make new friends. They went to college hoping to major in journalism - however, the love they found in college through Kira and Lilac turned out to be far greater than what they ran away from.

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